Timothy-Berners Lee



Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who was born in London, England on June 8, 1955.


Computing came naturally to Berners-Lee, as both of his parents worked on the Ferranti Mark I, the first commercial computer.


In 1976 Berners-Lee graduated from the University of Oxford Started designing computer software for two years at Plessey Telecommunications. In 1980 he worked as a software engineering consultant at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory in Geneva.


In 1989 Berners-Lee proposed the idea of creating a global hypertext document system that would make use of the Internet. His main purpose for this system was to provide researchers with the ability to share their results, techniques, and practices without having to exchange e-mail constantly. “Instead, researchers would place such information online, where their peers could immediately retrieve it anytime, day or night”( Britannica). That was when Berners-Lee first invented the software for the first Web server. His invention changed the whole world. It is even used now. The web server made it easier for people to get information, share video, post, influence, learn, share their thought and ideas , communicate and much more.


After his invention, he was credited as the inventor of the World Wide Web. Later in 2004 he was awarded a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and the inaugural Millennium Technology Prize (€1 million) by the Finnish Technology Award Foundation.